When users login to Citrix Gateway portal or storefront load balanced vip, they endup in the error, “There Are No Apps or Desktops Assigned to You at This Time”. There are multiple solutions to this error. Verify which solution works for you.
User does not have access to any apps When user does not have access to any applications or desktops, user will endup in same message when he logs into the Citrix gateway portal.
You’ve configured SAML authentication on your netscalers for your Citrix gateway or configured FAS in your environment. After you login to the gateway and logoff from the gateway or storefront url, when you try to login again on the same browser or same tab, you might end up in the error, “You cannot login using smartcard. Please close this browser to protect your account”.
There are multiple solutions to this issue.
The commands (ctxxmlss) to unregister the XML port and to reregister the XML port have not changed and can still be used as described in the Instructions. In addition, you must set the new XML service port policy in the Citrix GPO settings as shown in the screen shots. Note: The XML service port policy is a Computer policy and must also be set, even if the ctxxmlss command is successfully completed and states that the XML port is changed.
XML port in XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x version Open command prompt and navigate to cd “c:\Program Files\Citrix\Broker\Service” Type BrokerService.exe /show and press Enter to show the current ports.
Based on your CVAD or XenDesktop version, you will find “WI port” or “Storefront port” in the output which is your xml port number.
XML port in XenApp 4.5, 5, 6.0 and 6.5 versions Open registry and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\CtxHttp path. Check the value for key “TcpPort”.
Change Time manually on NetScaler To change time and date on NetScaler, run the below command on NetScaler putty shell.
1 date +val YYMMDDHHMM where:
YY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day
HH = Hour
MM = Minutes
Example" date +val 2208011111. This will set time as august 1st 2022.
Issue On newer netscaler machines, if you run above command, post reboot, time will change automatically. This is tested on NetScaler 13.
When configuring citrix gateway page, after entering credentials, it redirects back to login page. This happens continously.
To resolve this issue,
Open storefront console, and click manage receiver for websites. Check session policy timeout value.
use that same value in Gateway – Virtual server – Session policy – Edit session profile – Client experience – Session timeout option.
Also check in Citrix Gateway – Global Settings – Change Gloabl Settings – Client Experience – Session TIme-out (mins).
Issue When users connecting to applications from XenApp 6.5 (or less) version, randomly few users might get the error, The task you are trying to do can’t be completed because Remote Desktop Services is currently busy. Please try again in a few minutes. Other users should still be able to log on. No matter how many times that user connects to the application, they will still get same error. When Citrix admins try to logoff that session, it will not logoff.
This article explains the steps on how to login to netscaler using userPrincipalName instead of samAccountName or both at same time. If you follow these steps you can use sAMAccountName and userPrincipalName at Same Time for User Logon with Active Directory.
Configuration By default when you configure netscaler gateway, you would configure it to use userid which is samAccountName. Users enter their userid (like john.doe) and login to netscaler gateway. In this case, you will create an LDAP server with samAccountName as shown below.
Nuget error Have you ever tried to install a module through PowerShell? If yes, then you might have read or faced below error: PackageManagement\Get-PackageProvider : Unable to find package provider ‘NuGet imported yet. Try ‘Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable’
Solution To solve this issue, open elevated PowerShell console and run the below command:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Next install Nuget packageprovider with the below command.
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet
Finally, run the install module command with the powershell vendor module you’d like to install.
We call these metrics “The Five Ls”:
Launches Logon Times Load Times Latency ChanneL (Yes, including Channels is cheating, but mnemonics are worth it!) In this blog post, we’ll discuss how the Five Ls impact the performance and delivery of your Citrix applications and what actions you should take to improve performance in those areas. Special thanks to Ken Avram who originally compiled this content!
Wire data analysis can provide you with real-time information about “the 5 Ls.
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