Hide Citrix Session
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User clicks on an app in netscaler gateway portal. It shows cannot start app APPNAME for all the apps in the netscaler gateway portal.
Citrix DDC event viwer shows
The citrix broker service failed to broker a connection for user DOMAIN\USERID to resource APPNAME. The virtual machine VDI1.company.com rejected a request to prepare itself for a connection. This problem usually indicates that the VM is engaged in an activity such as restarting, entering a suspended state or processing a recent disconnection or logoff.
Please restart the VM.
When logged into the VDI, there is no session. Citrix Director doesn’t show the session. But in Citrix studio session is visible.
Using below command, session was hidden from the studio.
Hidden sessions are treated as though they do not exist when brokering sessions; a hidden session cannot be reconnected to, but a new session may be launched using the same entitlement. Immediately user can access the apps.
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