Optimizing Adobe Reader in XenApp
Website Visitors:Many administrators simply download and install Adobe Reader on their XenApp servers. However, many small tweaks, which could improve end user experience and/or prevent users from corrupting Adobe Reader for other users on a server, should be considered as part of XenApp deployments. This blog outlines configurations to modify a typical user’s experience while working in Adobe Reader.
Note: Although the information below focuses on Adobe Reader 11 settings, most of the optimizations can be applied to other versions of Adobe Reader by modifying the version in the path of the directory or registry setting. Additionally, administrators can configure many of the settings below via Adobe Customization Wizard XI.
1. When accessing Adobe Reader, users receive a license agreement popup:
Prevent End User License Agreement from Appearing
Apply ADM starter template to Group Policy Management:
User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Adobe Reader XI\Preferences\General\
- Accept EULA (Enabled)
2. After opening a document in Adobe Reader, users may have limited room to view the document because of the toolbar on the right side of the screen:
Eliminate Sign Toolbar
Delete DEXEchoSign.spi from C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\Services
Eliminate Tools Toolbar
Delete DEXShare.spi from C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\Services
Note: Do not perform these operations for users that need to sign or export PDFs.
3. When accessing the Help menu, users have the ability to modify Adobe Reader, which would impact other Adobe Reader users on the XenApp server:
Prevent Repair of Adobe Reader Installation
Apply the following registry change:
HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\Installer\
- “DisableMaintenance”=DWORD:00000001
Remove Digital Editions
Apply the following registry change:
HKLM\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\FeatureLockdown\
- “bShowEbookMenu”=DWORD:00000000
Remove Option to Improve Program Options
Apply the following registry change:
HKLM\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\FeatureLockdown\
- “bUsageMeasurement”=DWORD:00000000
Remove Option to Purchase Adobe Acrobat
Apply the following registry change:
HKLM\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\FeatureLockdown\
- “bPurchaseAcro”=DWORD:00000000
Restrict Updates
Apply the following registry change:
HKLM\Software\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\FeatureLockdown\
- “bUpdater”=DWORD:00000000
4. Adobe ARM, a tool used to make updates on Adobe Reader, runs each time that a user logs into a XenApp server, which may impact login times:
Limit Adobe Operations at Login
Delete Adobe ARM from the following registry key:
5. Adobe Reader automatically saves document changes to a temporary file every 5 minutes, which may impact server scalability due to increased server processes:
Disable automatic saving of PDF changes
After opening Adobe Reader, navigate to the Documents category of the Preferences dialog box (under the Edit menu) and uncheck the following setting:
Automatically save document changes to temporary file every: 5 minutes (1-99)
Note: This optimization should be implemented in provisioned XenApp environments or in environments where users do not make changes to PDFs. For all other environments, this optimization may not apply.
Posted in Citrix Blogs
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