
Fixing Citrix License Server Authentication Error

Resolving Access Issues with Ease

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Title: Resolving Citrix License Server Authentication Error: “You did not authenticate correctly”

Encountering an authentication error message like “You did not authenticate correctly. Please try again or contact your system administrator” when accessing the Citrix license server can be a common issue. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to address this problem effectively.

To troubleshoot and resolve the authentication error, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the directory on your Citrix license server:

    • For 32-bit systems: C:\Program Files\Citrix\Licensing\LMC\Tomcat\conf
    • For 64-bit systems: C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Licensing\LMC\Tomcat\conf
  2. Locate the file named “tomcat-users.xml” in the specified directory and create a backup of this file to avoid any data loss.

  3. Open the “tomcat-users.xml” file using a text editor and insert the following content within the file:

    <user username="DomainName\userid" password="" fullName="Your Full Name" roles="lmc-access-role,lmc-current-usage-role,lmc-historical-usage-role,lmc-configuration-role,lmc-user-admin-role"/>

    Note: Replace “DomainName\userid” with your actual domain and user ID, and enter your full name in place of “Your Full Name.”

  4. Save the changes made to the “tomcat-users.xml” file and restart the Citrix licensing services to apply the modifications.

  5. To verify the resolution, access the license administration console in incognito mode or a private browsing session to confirm that the authentication error has been rectified successfully.

By following these steps and updating the “tomcat-users.xml” file with the specified user credentials, you should be able to authenticate correctly and access the Citrix license server without encountering the authentication error message.

Remember to exercise caution when editing configuration files and always create backups to prevent any unintended data loss or system disruptions. If you encounter persistent issues or require further assistance, don’t hesitate to seek help from your system administrator for additional support.

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